Pintail combs

Pintail combs are important aids in everyday hairdressing and are especially used to separate individual sections of hair and comb them well. There are different variants - on the one hand, the handles differ in their materials and the teeth are either straight or made for toupeeing. Carbon combs, which are heat-resistant and almost impossible to break, are particularly modern.
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Hercules Sägemann Pin Tail Comb, 9", Nr. 180wr - 500wr
With grating, wide teeth
10,19 €*
YS Park Toupierkamm 154-90
perfectly suitable for balayage techniques
18,19 €*
YS Park Tail Comb No. 122 red
250 mm
10,69 €*
YS Park Tail Comb No. 122 white
250 mm
10,69 €*
Fejic Carbon Comb Nr. 210
tail comb 215 mm
9,79 €*
YS Park Tail Comb No. 111 white
220 mm
10,69 €*
Fejic Carbon Comb Nr. 810
tail comb 218 mm
13,59 €*
YS Park Tail Comb Nr.101 carbon
216 mm
10,69 €*
Fejic Carbon Comb Nr. 802
tail comb 220 mm
13,19 €*
YS Park Tail Comb No. 102 pink
220 mm
10,69 €*
YS Park Tail Comb No. 112 white
225 mm
10,69 €*
Efalock Weave comb pink
Handle comb for separating highlights
10,69 €*
Hercules Sägemann Tail Comb 8", Nr. 188wr - 497wr
With grating, wide teeth
9,89 €*
Hairway Haircomb Carbon
pintail comb, 225 mm
2,98 €*
Termix Carbon Comb 821
for technical and chemical hair treatments
12,59 €*
XanitaliaPro Multi Clip Comb
carbon hair dying comb with lock clip, 27 cm
6,98 €*
Hercules Sägemann Teaser Tail Comb 8", Nr.189r - 499r
Styling with texture or just straight
9,49 €*
YS Park Tail Comb No. 101 pink
216 mm
10,69 €*
Efalock Weave comb black
Handle comb for separating highlights
10,69 €*
YS Park Tail Comb No. 102 red
220 mm
10,69 €*
Fejic Carbon Comb Nr. 257
universal cutting comb 222 mm, extra wide toothing
12,09 €*
Fejic Carbon Comb Nr. 278
tail comb 213 mm
now only 10,19 €*
Hairway Haircomb Carbon
metal pintail comb, 220 mm
2,98 €*
Hairway Haircomb Carbon
metal pintail comb, 225 mm
2,98 €*
Hairway Haircomb Carbon
pintail comb, 220 mm
2,98 €*

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